Full Member Volunteer Agreement Form Name * First Name Last Name Phone Number * Full Member Volunteer Requirements * Welcome to the North Georgia Quarter Midget Association. We are very proud of our facility and race day operations. To ensure that your family's experience, and the experience of our guest competitors and spectators is a positive one, we have instituted a volunteer requirement for members that call NGQMA their home track. NGQMA is a completely volunteer run organizations and relies on our racing families help to operate. The commitments below are a minimum. Please review the commitment below. - Participate in at least one (1) scheduled track work day. - Participate in at least one volunteer position for the NGQMA Dixie Shootout Series. - Participate in at least one (1) volunteer position at a minimum of two (2) local NGQMA races. - Must participate in track opening or closing duties on two (2) race days. The NGQMA Board of Directors may choose to impose sanctions against those who to not follow through with their commitments, at Board discretion. The Board of Directors will decide the exact sanction, but could include season points loss, or loss of use of the facility. Acknowledgment of Receipt: I have read and understand the NGQMA Volunteer Requirements. By typing your name in field provided below, you are agreeing that it is the electronic equivalent of your signature and agree to adhere to the above statement. Drivers * Signature Date * MM DD YYYY Thank you!